
I'm an intern at data engineering and an electrical engineer student.

As per hobbies, I particularly enjoy reading, working out and running. Sometimes I also game.

Why data engineering?

I believe data is a tool. As a tool, it can be used in both moral and immoral ways.

I want to use data to provide people with the power to make decisions that will impact society towards a better world for all of us to live in.


no practice ⇒️ brain forgets

Streamlit Dashboard for food marketplace

Dashboard showing metrics aimed to answer specific questions about the fictional company business. Dataset from Kaggle.

Kahoot Ranking

Produces the ranking of the final winners accross a series of Kahoot. Accounts for podium and accumulated points.

Kinea Marketing Test

Analysis of data from a Kinea YouTube Playlist made for Kinea Intern Interviewing Process 2023.